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THE YEAR 2020.

2020 as a year was very tough and frightening to most people. Many people suffered a lot of losses in the year 2020. 

A global pandemic, Forest fires, Earthquakes, Cyclones, Explosions, Financial crisis, we got it all in the year 2020.

Time magazine, Global media, Historians, Corporate entities, etc have declared 2020 as the worst year.

We have had world wars in the past, Wars that killed millions, Natural calamities, mishaps of all sorts but still we have decided to declare 2020 as the worst year.

That surprised me a lot and then I tried to search for bad things that happened in the previous years and compared them with 2020.

As I expected, we had similar situations every year. We have experienced many pandemics and natural calamities and wars in the past but we noticed them closely in 2020 and that was the reason for declaring or considering 2020 as the worst year.

We were home, bored, scared, and have seen every bad thing happen either through social media or in person. Due to this overexposure to bad things in our day to day life, we declared 2020 as a bad year. 

In my opinion, 2020 was not a bad year. It was the year which troubled us more than other years.

But as we are in 2021 now, let us look at some things that can be learned from the year 2020.

Things 2020 taught us.

  • The power of nature – We as people have this thought of thinking of ourselves as superior beings every time we invent or discover something. We think we make this world a better place but all we do is make our own lives better at any cost. This global pandemic has proved that we still don’t know or can’t figure out a lot of things even in the case of a tiny virus. Corona was like a reality check for humans.
  • Healthcare and Immunity – In 2020, we finally understood the concept of healthcare. All our assumptions on health were proved incorrect, and we came to know that immunity is priceless. Being able to withstand any kind of disease is now the new goal. Our food habits also changed accordingly. We understood that even the tastiest food will not help us when it is a question of health. 
  • Cleanliness – Never we have washed our hands so many times in our lives as we did in 2020. We understood the importance of cleanliness and sanitization. We came to know that cleanliness is not a hobby or habit but is a way of life. We have to keep our house and surroundings clean as we don’t know where our next virus or bacteria is going to come from.
  • Education and Knowledge – Our knowledge is mostly limited to what we learn or read. But until we face an issue of a particular kind, we don’t know how important it is to know things. In 2020, even uneducated people came to know about concepts like virus, mutation, antibodies, and plasma. We searched a lot about viruses, how diseases spread, and how quarantine can stop the spread.
  • Mental health and patience – We never imagined that there would be a situation in our lives where we have to sit in our houses for months. Due to the global pandemic, we were asked to do that. This needs a lot of patience. Sitting at home for hours trying to figure out what to do and not going out requires a lot of mental strength. This gave us a chance to look at ourselves and figure out what we are. Now we know mental health is equally important as physical health.
  • Money and Savings – If a year has to be awarded for teaching people how important money and savings are, it must be 2020 without a doubt. We spend a lot of money daily without thinking about what is important and what is not. But when we face a situation where we have to use our money for only important things, then we came to know how unnecessary certain things are. We came to know all the gold jewelry and all the branded clothes we have are useless in certain situations. 
  • Family and Friends – We will know who is close to us only when we are in the worst of situations. If a person, without being selfish can be with you and help you even when you are in a bad situation, then surely you will not let him go out of your life. People understood what other people are like. People realized that they are the strongest when they are with their family and in their locality. That is why we saw so many people migrate to their places even without transportation.
  • Death – The biggest lesson in 2020 has taught us is DEATH. We came to know death can be scary yet simple. All the things we know, all the relations we have, all the thoughts we hold, all the knowledge we possess, and all the money we earned is just gone in a second. 

2020 was like a strict teacher which slapped us and taught us hard things without giving us a chance to deviate. 

If a year can make people sit in their home for months, can make people realize so many things, can crash stock markets, can cause a financial crisis, can teach people the concept of life by showing them what death looks like, then it deserves some respect.

2020 was not bad, people were bad. 2020 just showed what happens if we don’t change. 

There is still a lot to learn, and it is high time that we change ourselves. 


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Author: Rajasimha B

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